Steps to Create Your Own Default List View in Salesforce


An issue that has tormented Admins and Salesforce Users alike since the beginning of time is the capacity to default List Views in Salesforce. Tragically, despite the fact that there is a thought on the Idea Exchange with 3,400 votes, it has still not been conveyed. Presently it gets fascinating notwithstanding, this component has been conveyed as of Spring ’18, however, the word defaulting has been left off of the discharge notes.

I would envision, similarly as with most baffling parts of Salesforce, they likely have a valid justification for not finishing this apparently essential component. I would also like to add that likewise there is a reason that Salesforce has left the word defaulting off of this component despite the fact that it’s an amazingly looked Google term. My theory would be that Salesforce is attempting to broaden this element into to a greater extent a list of capabilities rather than a point arrangement. Presenting, “Customized Navigation in Lightning Experience.”

The blog covers the following two sections-

How to Create a Custom ListView in Salesforce Classic?

Make a list view to see an explicit arrangement of contacts, archives, or other question records. For instance, make a rundown perspective of records in your state, leads with an explicit lead source, or openings over a specific sum. You can likewise make perspectives of contacts, leads, clients, or cases to use for mass email beneficiary records.

Snap Create New View at the highest priority on any rundown page or in the Views segment of any tab homepage.


If you don’t see Create New View, you don’t have the “Create and Customize List Views” authorization. Contact your Salesforce administrator to ask for it.

  1. Enter the view name to display in the views drop-down list.
  2. Enter the view name to show in the perspectives drop-down list.Create Your Own Default List View in Salesforce
  3. Enter an extraordinary view name. The API and managed packages utilize this extraordinary name.
  4. Specify your channel criteria. On the off chance that you need more channel fields, click Add Filter Logic and after that Add Row. You can have up to 10 fields in your channel criteria.
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Normally, you channel by extra fields. For instance, this picture demonstrates a rundown see that shows just dynamic records in the organization whose Billing City is equivalent to “San Francisco.”


Entering nonsensical channel criteria, for example, someDate <= invalid can cause unforeseen conduct in a rundown see. When you utilize a rundown see in a more strict setting, for example, with a Visualforce standard rundown controller, counter-intuitive channel criteria can cause errors.

  1. Select the fields you need to show on the list view. The default fields are naturally chosen. From the fields that are in your page format, you can show up to 15 distinct fields in your view.

Create Your Own Default List View in Salesforce

  1. When you select a long content territory field, the rundown sees shows up to 255 characters.
  2. Click Save. The view shows up in the View drop-down rundown so you can get to it later.


Here’s what your list view is going to look like when you’re all done with it:

Create Your Own Default List View in Salesforce

As a Salesforce administrator or a client with the “Manage Public List View” consent, you have the choice to shroud the rundown see, so no one but you can see this rundown see. Open the rundown see. Select Visible to specific gatherings of clients. Pick the sort of gathering or job starting from the drop list, select the gathering or job from the rundown, at that point click Add.

Enterprise, Unlimited, Performance, and Developer Edition clients can offer access to an open gathering or job, including all clients beneath that job.


List views are unmistakable to your locale clients with Customer Community Plus, Partner Community, Lightning Platform Starter, and Lightning Platform Plus licenses if the Visible to all clients setting is empowered for perspectives of articles in network client profiles. To make list sees obvious just to your Salesforce clients, select Visible to specific gatherings of clients. At that point share the view with the All Internal Users gathering or a chosen set of interior gatherings and jobs.

While actualizing a network, make custom views that contain just applicable data for network clients. At that point make those perspectives noticeable to network clients by imparting them to the All Customer Portal Users gathering, or an arrangement of local gatherings and jobs. 

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Benefits of Salesforce List Views

With Salesforce list views you can channel on any field you approach – on the question you are making the view for – and you can pick up to 15 fields to show as segments. You can pick the request that the sections show in and you can even sort by a segment rising or plunging.

Every client can have their very own Salesforce list sees. Utilize Salesforce list perspectives to accelerate access to your essential records. In the event that you are making list sees for records you claim, similar to “My Accounts in California”, at that point utilize the “My” criteria in the “Channel by Owner” segment as opposed to including an extra channel of “Proprietor = Your Name”

All object list views will have the “Filter by Owner” segment. On the off chance that your organization is utilizing groups (Account, Sales, or Case), you can utilize the “My Team’s” choice to see all records claimed by all individuals from the team(s) you are an individual from.

Action Salesforce list sees utilize the “My Team’s” alternative in an unexpected way. This choice shows exercises possessed by clients who answer to you in the job chain of importance so it may not be accessible if no clients answer to you.


Salesforce list views can give you an unparalleled advantage over the course of your entire Salesforce usage. Be mindful of utilizing it to your benefit. Discuss it with your consultant and make the best use of it. Defaulting List Views accompany a couple of different highlights that are altogether based around Personalizing the exploring bar in Lightning Experience. The list views are certainly sparing some extra snaps or two everytime you have to go to your most loved object.

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