How the Salesforce1 Mobile App can help the Businesses


Salesforce CRM is one of the most popular and used cloud-based CRM for every level organization. Salesforce is a mobile CRM that is compatible with almost every smartphone, tablet and other internet-based mobile devices. It helps the business organizations in managing and accessing sales, marketing and customer service key information from any place at any time. The real-time information availability makes it the most preferable and accessible CRM.

There are several features that are beneficial for a business organization. Two of them are information access from any location and real-time storage of customer details. Today through this blog post we are going to discuss how Salesforce is helping the business owners in running their business from anywhere?

Reduced Need of Tethering to Office or Home

Mobile CRM or Salesforce1 provides the facility of on-the-go communication. Today mobile technology has become much advanced and able to keep the people connected professionally and personally. Even today the customers also expect such connected and seamless connectivity from the companies.

Business organizations, therefore, are designing a mobile strategy to satisfy their customers. the mobile-first business model can empower the employees of an organization and help them in meeting their customer needs.

The mobile-enabled platform is able to provide information accessible from anywhere at any time. So the employees do not have to get back to the office or home every time to close the deal. The salesforce1 mobile app gives the freedom to run the business process from anywhere.

Salesforce1 Features to Meet Operational and Technical Business Needs

CRM systems have become imperative business assets for modern business requirements. Salesforce CRM is capable to automate a number of internal business operations right from lead generation, sales tracking up to the management of client information. The user can integrate data that is received through devices, business apps or product forms and provide better business insights to manage the information in a centralized manner.

The three of the most used and imperative key-benefits of the real-time information access i.e provided by CRM for any business organization are:

  • Organized Customer Data
  • Actionable Data Insights
  • Cloud-Based Customer Relationship Management

A centrally managed platform allows data access through a user-friendly interface from anywhere. Clients can even customize these interfaces or CRM dashboards to display lead, monthly transaction summary and sales. With the help of CRM data, companies can also create data charts and reports. Reps can create the required reports in their desired format that can be presented to clients or partners.

Apart from this Salesforce CRM user can also get the data insights through which consumer or customer interest can be predicted based on their past sales. Salesforce1 has all of the features of Salesforce and the reps can access all such imperative and required information just through their hand-held device. They can predict customer behaviour and design the sales campaign accordingly.

The importance and use of real-time information can be seen in the healthcare business where doctors can access the patient’s vital information and make informed decisions.

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 One more benefit of on-the-go CRM is managing customer information and relationship in the cloud. In the case of cloud-based mobile CRM like Salesforce1, the software is installed on remote servers. They are managed right there and the user does not have to install the application and update it. This way the reps can focus on their lead generation and increasing ROI.

Mobile CRM can provide a number of benefits apart from these. Even Salesforce has taken its customers feedback for its mobile responsive application. Many of the customers or business owners shared their experiences through the real-life use-cases with the company and some of them are listed below:

Use Cases of Salesforce Mobile App

1) Use Case of Smart Information Access by Garrett Steagall

A business system analyst Garrett Steagall used Salesforce 1 to meet the technical and operational business challenges at his company. He said that many times his team felt the need to discuss business goals on their desk or while grabbing a coffee. For that, they were from always in search of an effective tool that is mobile-friendly and capable to handle the workload of multiple people in a shared manner.

Salesforce mobile app provided him with the desired platform. Even though their customized dashboard and order status display became more expressible and organized. Below figure shows the customized layout that is done by their team through Javascript and Salesforce Apex class.

How the Salesforce1 Mobile App can help the Businesses

2) Use Case of Efficient Support by Nathan Wooley

Nathan Wooley is the process guy who leverages Salesforce to automate, improve and provide visibility to the companies’ processes. His sales team is often on-the-go and therefore they were in search of any mobile compatible application.

He told that most of the times his team has to provide the customer support at their desk or in the hallway or in the breakroom or sometimes in the parking lot. Salesforce 1 provided them with the freedom to access their CRM from anywhere and they used it to improve customer service by customizing it.

Through the Salesforce1 platform, their customer representatives become able to access all of the customer’s information from a single platform or place. They do not have to use the helpdesk software to track issues and requests of the customers. A customized interface provided the integrated platform to his team through which they can access the latest customer interaction and access their information to provide them with an instant solution.

How the Salesforce1 Mobile App can help the Businesses

Through this application, his customers were able to generate and submit the complaint ticket from their desktop and mobile application just through a single button. Woolley gets notified whenever a ticket is generated via email. He can then take action as required.

3) Easy Invoicing and Time Tracking Use Case by Ali Waheed

Ali Waheed who is a solo admin of his organization helps the other employees in keeping data safe and helping them in working smartly. Many times he has to create the training material for the internal staff and generate customized reports.

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With the help of community, Waheed has developed an appropriate solution for his fellow staff members. Through his customized app, all of the organizational employees and support users get connected from anywhere and become able to work smartly.

How the Salesforce1 Mobile App can help the Businesses

This is a screenshot of Waheed’s Salesforce mobile friendly time-tracking application. The app can be used by both professionals and general Salesforce users. The app is able to track the time spent on any project module and can calculate the hourly/ daily or weekly wages. Through this app, the contractors can keep track of their expenses and can track the time spent by the employees. The customized app is capable to provide all of this information through any device and the organization become able to keep track of everything.

These all and many other real-life use cases are there that certify the ability and importance of mobile-friendly Salesforce CRM. Salesforce CRM is a beneficial CRM that can offer numerous benefits for any size and any type of business organizations. In the next section of this blog, we will discuss the benefits that can be driven by Salesforce. Here we want to specify that Salesforce1 is the mobile app of Salesforce that offers all of the features and brnrfits that are available in Salesforce desktop application.

Benefits offered by Salesforce

a) Improved Information Organization

You can serve your customers better by knowing them deeply. By getting the details of each and every of their interaction with your organization in documented and recorded format you can easily do this. Salesforce is able to exactly quantify and categorized the customer information for their future reference. The user can conveniently store information and access it as and when required. Cloud makes the file access convenient and quick.

b) Enhanced Communication

Salesforce CRM provides an enhanced communication facility to every employee of the organization equally. All of the employees can access the same customer information as there is a single point of contact only. As it is possible that in the absence of any employee the customers may have to interact with another rep. in such case he can become unhappy if has to start from fresh to explain his complaint.

Through Salesforce CRM detailed customer information can be communicated to every employee of the organization. Even through cloud-based and mobile-friendly application, the reps can access the information through any device as well.

c) Everyday Task Automation

Sales completion is not an easy task and is not just to agree on a customer commit. A number of smaller tasks have to be completed to complete everything properly. They might be formed completion, addressing of legal issues and mailing of reports. Such tasks are time-consuming but vital for sales process completion. Salesforce CRM can take these tasks off from the shoulders of your employees.

Salesforce can automatically complete all of such tasks. This way representative can focus only on their deal finalization to close the lead. They can resolve the customer pain points and CRM will take care of automated detail completion.

Final Thoughts

With the help of Salesforce 1 mobile platform, business owners and employees can have their information on their fingertips. Now the employees do not need to be tethered to the office to access customer details or information. They can access it from any place wherever they go. The customers are using this feature to provide service from anywhere and in keeping the operations and approval flow smoother and smarter.

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