How To Choose The Right Hadoop Developer for Big Data Project?


Do you know that the search engine Google currently processes more than 40,000 search queries every second of the day? Approximately somewhere around s100 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every minute and it might probably take more than 15 years to watch each and every video which is uploaded by all the users in one single day. The data centers today occupy an area which is equal to that of around 6,000 football fields put together. The world’s big data industry is predicted to grow from its current valuation of US $10.2 billion in 2013 to the US $87.3 billion by the year 2019.

This makes big data a very big concern for all the firms. Firms these days are deploying big data technologies such as Hadoop, NoSQL, Hive etc at a very large scale. This further raises another concerning question and that is how to choose a good Consultant while deploying these technologies?

We are here to guide you about tips on hiring a good Hadoop consultant.

A Guide to Hiring the Best Hadoop Consultant

Here are a few tips to choose the best Hadoop Consultant for your concern- 

1). Requirement documentation

It is essential to document the requirements which will serve as the basis for the Hadoop consultants to provide solution and quotation for the same. Improper documentation can lead to a difference of opinions between two parties which can turn out ugly in the later stage of the project. Thus, in order to avoid any confusion, the best practice will be to understand your requirements and document it in a proper manner and then float that requirement in the market to get quotations from different consultants.

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2). Competitive pricing and project quotes:

Pricing plays a key role while selecting a Hadoop consultant as it is related to the company’s budget. Before giving a contract to any consultant you must check the market price in accordance with the quantum and type of work for which the consultants are being appointed. You should make sure that you float your requirement in the marketplace and invite consultants so that they can give their project quotes. As you are inviting several consultants to give their quotation, this will introduce a healthy competition. This will help you in identifying the lowest yet responsive consultant for the project.

3). Prequalification criteria:

Whenever you float the requirement in an open market, there are possibilities to get too many quotations from different consultants. This will result in a percentage of quotations which are irrelevant. So, the best practice is to include a filter i.e. prequalification criteria.  Prequalification criteria lay down the pre-requisites before providing any quotations. It helps in screening out the irrelevant quotations and improves the efficiency of your company to select the best Hadoop consultant.

4). Delivery models

Invite all the prequalified consultants to give a presentation on their delivery models, their approach and methodology. This will help you to identify whether their solutions are in line with your company’s requirements or not. It is also necessary to identify whether their delivery models can match your budget and scheduled completion date of the project.

5). Experienced Hadoop architects

For selecting the best Hadoop consultant, you should carefully analyze their teams, their proficiency and experience level. Highly experienced Hadoop architects can help the company to strategize, identify cost-effective solutions, innovative ideas and test custom Hadoop solutions as per the requirement of the client.

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6). Transparent and collaborative communication

It is very important for you to make sure that your entire project is being monitored from day one itself. Proper documentation and progress updates are being recorded regularly. An effective communication can help in bridging the gap between understandings of client and contractor which otherwise can result in rework and chaos. Thus, selecting a consultant who follows an effective communication technique is very important.

7). Customer satisfaction

Once you have shortlisted all the consultants, have a look at their list of clients and what was their feedback regarding those consultants. That feedback serves as a powerful tool in understanding their nature, temperament, working culture and also the customer satisfaction level.

8). Past records and litigations

Before electing any consultant, it is essential to get a background verification done. This will help you in identifying if there are any pending litigation cases. Past records must be checked for identifying their effects such as delay in completing the project, exceeding budget, rework, resource availability etc.


Selecting a Hadoop Consultant is a very critical step towards entering the beneficial world of big data analytics. Your consultant plays a very crucial role in analyzing the data which is handed over to him. If he is not up to the mark, you would never get the results that you have been expecting from your data. Therefore, be cautious while making that choice.

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