How to Meet The Ever-Changing Customer Expectations?


How to Meet The Ever-Changing Customer Expectations?

Customer needs is something which is changing every now and then. It is not their fault too; the competition is so much that the market forces themselves are responsible for it.  Nevertheless, here are four amazing ways to meet your customer’s service expectation.

Real-Time Interaction

The reports suggest that 64% of the customers expect the companies to either respond or interact with them in a real-time environment to enhance the personalized feeling.

  • 78% of customers who use the mobile application to access your services say that it is quite advantageous for supplying real-time interactions to the customers.
  • 54% of the customers have revealed that their company is providing their service agents with the mobile based applications to enhance productivity. 

Top to bottom Approach

70% of the customers have agreed that they like to feel important to the company, however big or small their contribution to or relationship with the company is. When senior-level employees approach them it gives them a sense of satisfaction that they are important to the company.

  • 52% of the companies have reported huge success in their customer retention ratio by following this approach.
  • 42% of the customers have recommended the company to their peers for this particular fact only.
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Timely Assistance

  • 96% customers expect the company to respond to their requests or grievances within a time frame of 2-12 hours.
  • Out of these 96%, 51% believe that the company should anticipate the customer’s moves and arrange for suggestions and recommendations even before the customer contact.
  • 47% of your customers believe that you can use artificial or predictive intelligence to gauge their activities and arrange for their interests in the like manner.

Personalised Attention

  • 79% of the customers wish to be connected with an agent who is a know-it-all about their history with the company. They do not want to jump from agent to agent. They wish to be connected to one agent who is the most knowledgeable one.
  • 55% of the consumers have said that they would readily pay more for a personalized customer experience.
  • 70% of the customers have stated that they engage in using the services of a company based on how they feel when they are being treated by the customer support team.
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Here are some statistics that shed light on the benefits of providing a mobile app to Service Agents.

  • Automated service apps have helped around 62% of the agents to salvage a hot situation.
  • 74% of them believe that it helps them to deliver services from anywhere to anywhere
  • 76% of them believe that it helps them in faster resolution of problems.


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