How to Integrate Salesforce with Drupal 8 Website


You have got a account and you have got the Drupal subscription, if it is true then you would definitely have wanted to integrate your Drupal CMS with Salesforce CRM. Uplifting news here is that there are many alternatives for clients of the two platforms to drive integrations, from essential to extremely complex ones. Your alternatives incorporate both free and paid administrations, and there are capable Salesforce Consultants that can help you with characterizing your necessities, suggesting a good solution, and even helping in execution and bolster of your integration process.

Salesforce is a cloud-based CRM arrangement that helps business viably oversee deals, service, marketing, coordinated effort, examination, and building custom portable applications. So as to deal with the business successfully, organizations need to incorporate their Drupal site with Salesforce CRM arrangement, which is very configurable. Also, Drupal offers different modules that assist in synchronizing your application with CRM. Today we will see how you can integrate your Salesforce instance with your Drupal 8 website. The blog covers the following topics-

What Will You Get Out of the Integration?

The Salesforce-Drupal coordination works unimaginably to guarantee the accompanying expectations to your business:

  • You will be able to save some really good amount of money and time by approaching an adjustable and completely integrated framework.
  • A major lift to your site’s potential, and furthermore far-reaching rearrangements of operational procedures.
  • Creation and refresh procedure of structures is simpler than any time in recent memory and that too with no glitches.
  • All Drupal elements are synchronized to nothing short of perfection.
  • Gifts, email campaigns, and online businesses are incorporated consistently and adequately.
  • Unidirectional or bidirectional information sharing among Salesforce and all Drupal-based sites.

The Salesforce Suite

The Drupal community has met come together to support the advancement of a suite of Salesforce combination modules that can meet an assortment of business needs. They are “free”, as in open source, however, it might be best to enlist a Salesforce Consulting company to help you with your set up. There are different companies who are chipping away at the Drupal 8 Salesforce modules, all with the shared objective of giving a strong and adaptable Salesforce and Drupal integration platform.
Salesforce Suite

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The Drupal Salesforce Suite has been around since Drupal 5 and has experienced numerous changes in keeping pace with both Drupal and Salesforce API changes. After some time, the code base developed enlarged and delicate while utilization slacked. To take care of these issues and lay the foundation for future reconciliation extends, the network rallied time and assets to totally change the module — taking full benefit of the advances made in the Drupal and Salesforce stages. Download Salesforce module and introduce it on your Drupal site. Additionally, download and introduce subordinate modules like the key and encrypt.

How about we look at the submodules in Salesforce and see as to what they do:

  • Salesforce: OAUTH2 approval, the wrapper around REST API.
  • Salesforce Mapping: Maps Drupal elements to Salesforce fields, including field level mapping.
  • Salesforce Push: Pushes Drupal substance refreshes into Salesforce.
  • Salesforce Pull: Pulls Salesforce question refreshes into Drupal on cron run.
  • Salesforce Encrypt: This module is subject to two other modules- Encrypt and Key so ensure these are introduced. Module required for access and revive token with security.

Integration Methodologies

The Salesforce Suite module bolsters two types of integration techniques

Both the techniques have their favorable circumstances and detriments, yet you are not constrained to utilizing just a single model – you can run both real-time and queue-based integrations in one Drupal site.

1). Real-time Integration:

With the real-time integration, your Drupal objects are sent out to Salesforce instantly. You get quick input demonstrating whether the object failed to export and the information is accessible in Salesforce in a split second. This is an incredible choice in the event that you require the information in Salesforce in as much nearness to real-time as could be expected under the circumstances.

2).Queue-Based Integration:

Queue based integration uses a bunching framework that keeps running out of sight and enables various objects to be sent to Salesforce in the meantime. In this model rather than the object being sent to Salesforce when it’s made, altered or erased, it goes into a queue where it holds up to be imported with different things. The queued objects are picked up on a configurable calendar (ordinarily every 10-15 minutes) and sent out to Salesforce in clusters. Bunching information synchronization can expand execution and utilize fewer API calls, which can be a major factor if your association has extensive informational indexes.

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How to test your Salesforce and Drupal Integration?

Firstly, you need to create a user from admin.

Note: Salesforce module will consequently drive the information on CRM with contacts.

The next step is to run cron specifically to refresh information with Salesforce contact by utilizing the accompanying way:


The integration of Salesforce with your Drupal has unlimited advantages as it helps your sales and marketing to work productively and meet the procedure, they perform all the time in an increasingly streamlined manner. Further, it likewise empowers you to custom-tailor industry-explicit errands, for example, contact status in the Sales pipeline and contact updates.


On the off chance that you can get a Drupal-Salesforce integration conveyed for your tasks, there is no uncertainty that you will appreciate streamlined and improved business forms in the short and long haul. in this way you will be boosting deals and make the whole procedure significantly more agreeable and compelling. That being said there are a few difficulties en route. The adaptability and customizable nature of Salesforce could end up being troublesome with regards to the consistency of your back-end. Likewise, Drupal establishments are for the most part exceptional on account of the distinctive modules and customizations that they use, so integration must be set up in an alternate way by a specialist. Only one out of every odd coordination module is a simple “plug and play”, so unique consideration must be taken to guarantee the similarity and viability.

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