How To Integrate Salesforce With Other Applications


Organizations of all sizes are tested on a daily basis to convey their items and administrations to market quicker and to oversee more mind-blowing deals and showcasing programs with restricted spending plans and diminishing time spans with the end goal to quicken income generation. represents an enormous open door for organizations to tackle these difficulties by utilizing its demonstrated, non-meddling and versatile on-request stage. 

Salesforce Integration is the way toward associating with other outsider outer frameworks and applications like Facebook, LinkedIn, Gmail, Outlook, HubSpot, Heroku, SAP, Oracle,, WordPress CMS, and other outside sites. Most Enterprise-level applications need to incorporate with other outer outsider applications. Salesforce Integration should be possible on the diverse layers and combination highlights accessible at each level for an endeavor application.

Integrate Salesforce With Other Applications

Today we will discuss a general Salesforce integration with various other applications. Let us take a look at its various layers- 

Preparation and Planning 

Before any data migration, you need to introspect so that you can get clarity on the goals and objectives of the integration process. Any data integration professional would like to know about certain aspects such as

  • What data needs to be extracted?
  • Which all data should be considered as targets?
  • Integration with the single data source or multiple data sources?
  • Is it a onetime migration or does it require continuous synchronization?
  • Do you need to have a Salesforce data backup before initiating the integration process?
  • What all manual coding and visual data integration tools to be used?

If you are yet thinking about manual coding, consider the time and exertion required to learn APIs, give availability to both the source and the target, compose transformation logic, and, above all, the errands identified with troubleshooting, reporting, and future upkeep of the integration and the related metadata.

The clearer you set the objectives, the more precise your integration will be. Now and then you may need to merge data; most of the time it’s tied in with wiping out duplications; and the data that needs to be approved or filtered first.

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Data Source Connection Maintenance

To begin perusing source data, you must build up connections with the source databases. As such, you have to access data tables, data structures, and data entries. This is the place data integration really begins. By using appropriate visual tools, you can do it without writing a single line code. Simply pick the essential information connectors, enter authorization details, and give the pathway to the database servers or storage records. The application is prepared to work with data. You need to make sure that that company’s data integration map is a comprehensive one and doesn’t miss any data source that is vital for proper decision making. It is always beneficial to explore the data flow between different departments to identify critical data flow and then structure it accordingly.  

Staging Database Usage

You may likewise need to mashup data from various sources. For example, take news from an RSS channel, extract client data from GoldMine CRM, standardize and data filtration, confirm emails, names, and addresses, and after that blend everything up and toss it over your accounts. Consider this step only if you have numerous data targets from which to aggregate data, or on the off chance that you need to apply complex data filtration or improvement rules to the data on its way between the source and the objective. This step is discretionary, however, on several occasions it is worth considering. However, some issues can arise due to wrong validation or enrichment rules and data duplications. It is always a good practice to consult a data warehousing expert.

Map the Source with the Destination

As indicated by The Gartner Group, corporate developers spend roughly 65 percent of their exertion building links between applications. Fortunately, the present data integration instruments permit even non-specialized clients to integrate data between frameworks, databases, and applications. Envision you could visually design a work process to exchange data between documents (Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, CSV/TXT records), databases, (for example, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL,), applications (, SugarCRM), and the best Web 2.0 goals (RSS channels, Flickr, Amazon S3), all without any coding.

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Mapping is the most critical step when it comes to data integration. Firstly, because you need to mark the points where the data source and data target is and secondly you need to transform 3rd-party database table formats to table formats. Using mapping, you tell your data integration tools about what changes you need to do, and where precisely you need them to be finished. While mapping you should make sure that input and output data types are not contradictory and try to avoid too much complex data mapping models.

Solve IDs Issue

Few tables in database are connected by methods for key IDs, i.e., an Account table, which contains data about a client’s organization, is identified with a Contact table, which contains the client’s name and telephone number.’s produces these IDs automatically, and the issue happens when a data integration expert needs to populate the two tables collectively IDs will be created in the connector arranged for the Account table, where the client organization names are saved. To set the standards for this piece of the integration process, you must open the Transform module, select the input and outfields containing the client organization names, and guide these fields collectively. You must take precaution to avoid any wrong primary or foreign key vision. It a good practice to request Salesforce support team to clarify data tables, its structures, and their relations.

Recurring integration

Business data is never predictable; ongoing updates, new data entries, and different changes require support. On the off chance that you require recurring integration jobs, you may likewise utilize the scheduling function automate the data integration process.


These are the few layers of Salesforce integration with other applications. The best part about Salesforce is that firstly it provides for thousands of integrations and secondly all the integrations are just a few clicks away. You don’t need any hard-core coding or anything to align to platforms using Salesforce.

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