How to Integrate Salesforce with WhatsApp


Salesforce has emerged as the most successful CRM platform over the years and thus its integration with WhatsApp the most preferred mode of messaging across the world was much awaited and needed. WhatsApp Integration with CRM will spell highly effective communications especially by making use of Templates and other automated WhatsApp messages.

Steps of Salesforce with WhatsApp Integration 

Although there is no official WhatsApp API available, it is still possible to integrate WhatsApp with Salesforce via a free and open-source library which is available on Github. Latter can be used for registering, sending and receiving messages in WhatsApp via the Python Code namely Yowsup.

  • Yowsup: Yowsup is basically a Python Library which allows you to build application which uses the WhatsApp Service. It helps to provide all the abilities of the WhatsApp Client thereby letting you create a complete customized WhatsApp Client.
  • Registration using the Yowsup-clip: Latter has the details of the most updated WhatsApp SDK and other corresponding MD5 classes key. Registration is the first step, and you will need a real SIM Card with WhatsApp. The steps for registration are:

a). Getting a Request Code:

In the Code, the 91XXXXXXX stands for the phone number which is linked to the new SIM Card which is being used for registration. 91 is the Country Code for India which also has to go through the –cc parameter. You need to have your Country, State and Service Provider Codes. The command will then generate an SMS with the code in the YYY-YYY format. It is this code which will be used in the following step for getting the password.

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b). Getting the Password

Once the above command is given, you should be expecting the following response

Here pw stands for the password which is to be utilized in the Client Code of Python for both sending and receiving messages on WhatsApp.


  • A Callout is made from the Salesforce to a Flask Webapp, which is a Web microframework used with Python for building various web applications. It is to be hosted on Open shift with the Message, To and a Taken.
  • The WebApp has a Client Code which is built on a Yowsup library which is used to send the message and other kinds of details via HTTP to the WhatsApp server, and it is from there that the message is further sent to the given number.

You need to remember that it is possible to host the Flask WebApp on Heroku or with any other type of service provider with Cloud Hosting. Openshift is free and is also easy to be working on. Also, you should note that the Yowsup library is not supported by Whatsapp officially.

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Uses of WhatsApp and Salesforce CRM Integration

  • Nurturing of Leads:  The integration can help you send images, videos and even brochures to your potential customers after working out their interactions with your business.
  • Follow-up on Sales: On WhatsApp, you can easily send an automated WhatsApp message which has details of your product including some images if possible. This can usually follow after someone signs up for the same on your website.
  • Tracking of Orders: This can also be done sending automated messages to the clients having details about their order and any updates on delivery.
  • Customer Feedback: Customers can give instant feedback on the delivery or the product which can be helpful for future improvements of the process. Such feedback, when received at the right time, is highly useful for the success of the business.


Thus the integration of WhatsApp with Salesforce is possible via Yowsup library although latter has not yet been officially approved by WhatsApp. The integration has huge benefits as it will create a highly effective communication medium between the client and the businesses.

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