Latest Trends in Java Technology 2020?


Java is a dominating programming language in the virtual world and more than ten billion devices using Java apps from years. The programming language has amazing compatibility features that can support almost any system in the world. Because of continuous innovations and updates, Java has been transformed to an amazing extent, and it has become more compatible, flexible, and scalable than earlier. In the year 2018, there was seen rapid growth in Java features with a huge impact on Java Development Services.

In 2020, Java has gone more innovative with amazing technology trends for developers. These trends will definitely impact the development process of an application. Let us discuss the most powerful trends that can shape the Java programming language in 2020 and beyond.

Java Technology Trends to Stay Updated in 2020

1). EE4J and MicroProfile Development

With the introduction of EE4J and MicroProfile Development, the Eclipse Foundation was filled with more confidence. MicroProfile gave insights into how the Java EE community will grow in the future. Both Spring technologies and Java EE community will get benefits from these amazing innovations.

2). Kotlin Development

Kotlin is a programming language based on Java getting huge attention in the Android community. The simple syntax of the programming language and its interoperability feature have made Kotlin more popular in the development industry. Further, the great support provided by the Kotlin community helps in designing apps quickly.

3). Java SE6 Improvements and OpenJDK 10 Release

SE6 was another advancement that rocked the programming space in 2020. These improvements were released publicly later with plenty of security fixes. Another amazing innovation was the OpenJDK 10 release in 2018 by the adoption of plenty of exciting features.

4). Seamless configuration of Java apps

The Java Collection Framework witnessed to leverage added benefits with the usage of containers and Java runtimes. With the help of these features, it is possible to deliver a seamless configuration of apps with powerful memory management.

5). Frequent Releases to implement changes Rapidly

One more technology trend in Java to focus on is frequent releases, after every six months. It ensures quick integration of features to Java apps. These versions are easily available online through enterprise shops.

6). Java is evolving continuously

Java libraries are one of the biggest reasons why this programming language is preferred by millions of developers worldwide. The programming language has a set of powerful tools that helps in building apps for enterprises. With the release of Java SE10 and Open JDK community, it has become possible transforming experiences of people nicely, because of constant innovations and improvements, Java is definitely the best choice among developers.

7). Python Programming Language

As the name suggests, the language has been derived from Python. When Java innovates, it impacts other languages too, and they also have to enhance their existing features to make it more compatible with Java.

8). RTS Implementation

In Java, there is an RTS (Real-time specification) feature that helps in defining embedded uses for an application. Also, RTS features help in managing loads and runtime issues. When you know how an application will behave in real-time, it helps in avoiding plenty of rework than usual.

9). Project Juxtapose

JXTA is a popular open-source platform by Sun Microsystems that has gained huge acceptance among Java Developers. With the help of Project Juxtapose, Sun Microsystem is expected to bring standards that will largely impact web development services in the future. By using this project, developers can focus more on their capabilities and they can contribute more to the Java application development.

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10). Git and GitHub

Git and GitHub are in trend and they are frequently used with the Eclipse development platform. For working with these two platforms, you must have the right expertise in using Git commands. When most of the companies are migrating their projects to Git, it has become another popular development trend to consider.

11). Spring 5

Spring will keep dominating in 2020 as well with the latest version and more amazing features. If you are planning for web services development then Spring is definitely the best choice and leading the programming space.

12). Unit Testing

Another popular Java development trend to consider is Unit testing for the coming year. When you opt for serverless architecture then unit testing becomes a must-have requirement to follow by developers. Upgrading your unit testing skills is not a tough task but it can be done quickly through documentation given by the company but you must have the basic skills to upgrade to the latest development trends.

14). RESTful Web Services

One more thing that will hit the space in 2020 is REST web services. REST API can be implemented securely using Spring in Java. There are significant improvements are noticed to develop more powerful RESTful web services.

15). Spring Security 5

It is a major up-gradation in Spring 5 ecosystem. Several bug fixes were made in the fifth version of Spring so that it can be effectively used by enterprises. There is a special module added to the Spring 5 that is completely dedicated to security enhancements.

16). Reactive Java

It is another relevant programming concept with new features and innovations. The amount of data collected daily is increasing and we need powerful processing tools for analyzing the collected data. Users are in a need of development platform that can be used easily and available with plenty of features.

Today, we need a programming language that can help in processing data in a robust way. Reactive Java is the option that helps in effective data management and building Java apps concurrently. Also, the Reactive Java library can support developers in building more asynchronous and interactive Java apps. It also makes code lines more elegant and less in number.

17). Data Science

Java can be used for different objectives and Data analysis is not an exception here. Java has various features that can help in analyzing and processing data like never before. It does not matter which data management platform you opt for like Hadoop or Apache Spark; all of them are nicely supported by Java programming language. Because of the availability of a large number of Java libraries, it offers excellent machine learning, AI, data analysis, and cloud computing capabilities.

Sometimes, it is witnessed a wordy language and not taken as the best fit for research work. Data scientists love Python and R programming language more when it comes to R & D work. If you are more focused on statistics, then you should prefer R. Otherwise, you can use Python as well. Further, Java is preferred in Data Science because of its flexibility, smooth integration process, and robust performance.

18). Serverless Architecture

Most of the software development companies are moving from microservices to serverless architecture today. With the help of current Java trends, you can achieve this feature quickly. When some application is based on microservices, you could change or replace different Java components independently.

When you are using serverless architecture, there is no need for using a server to build or deploy apps. The best part is that a complex app can be broken down into independent modules and they can be utilized for infinite scaling later. Also, there are chances of visualizing complex processes in the easiest way that results in improved performance, fewer bottlenecks, and helps in making stronger decisions than ever. In simple words, we can say that serverless processes help you gain more control over the architecture of an application that further triggers scalability.

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So, how to achieve serverless architecture with Java? In Java, you can use AWS Lambda services that can combine microservices with serverless functions. You should know how to work over the Lambda platform and enjoy maximum benefits than ever.

19). Wireless app Development

Wireless app development in Java has gained immense popularity because of its open-source nature. Nokia, one of the largest mobile manufacturers, has promised using Symbian OS for all of its future smartphones.

Both types of Java apps, either wireless or network apps, are tough to manage because they are developed on a different platform and deployed over the different platforms. It is a problem for testers as well when they have to do some of the testing at a specific platform and rest on to another platform.

With Java, you can make things much easier than expectations.

20). Compatibility with Older Versions

Java is a statically-typed programming language. It can be managed easily with a smaller number of bugs. It supports backward compatibility feature where it can be made to run over older versions if needed.

It is a big relief for companies where developers don’t have to write the code again and again when new versions are released into the market. Combined with various portability features, developers believe that Java is just the nicer option to invest that will pay dividends for a longer time period.

21). Mobile App Development 2020

During the last few years, the demand for mobile apps rose 5 times faster. Android is still dominating the IT marketplace with 80 percent of total market share. Around 17 percent market is covered by apple apps. Stats make it clear that Java is the driving force behind mobile app development latest trends.

22). Java & the IoT

IoT or Internet of Things is the latest development trend in Java. Because of specific Java features, it is possible adding life to IoT. So, we can say that the future of Java lies in IoT. With the help of Java ME edition, you can design more secure enterprise apps for the Internet of Things.

As you can see, all of these features together help Java to grow and evolve continuously. Today, Java has achieved a top place among all programming languages across the world.

Java Development Trends – Wrapping Up:

Java was proposed in the 1990s, and since the time of its inception, Java has been constantly leading the programming world. It is just an excellent option as per the latest architecture and apps development standards.

Java also supports cross-platform application development for developing more robust and productive apps that can be used over multiple browsers. However, things are moving so faster that Java needs to upgrade its features continuously to stay competitive.

Above Java development trends are unstoppable, and they can help in designing more secure apps like never before. These features are introduced keeping global development trends in mind and to make developers’ work easier. Now, it supports serverless architecture, reactive development, and data science too.
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The best thing about the Java platform is that it brings more stability and innovations to enterprise apps. it is the biggest reason why businesses just love Java for enterprise development. It is a power pack of simplicity and robustness that has been made android app development a breeze for developers.

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