Must Considerable Questions Before Salesforce Lightning Transition


Since the time when Salesforce launched its Lightning version, the users of Salesforce Classic haveto transit to its newly launched Lightning version as it has a number of organizational beneficial features. For the transition from Classic to Lightning the Classic users prepared themselves for anew experience. So the organizations need to train their employees for this new experience. Here this blog covers the essential and considerable questions which every organization, which is planned for Lightning or LEX transition must consider.

Salesforce Lightning Upgradation

Though Salesforce has launched Lightning with a number of advanced features, still many classic users are still using the same version as they are familiar with this and can optimally use it. Even there are several studies for this implementation and just to know that which is better platform Classic or Lightning? Many organizations even rollback to the Classic version due to its advanced and organizational useful features.

There are still some challenges as this upgradation brings a lot of changes rather than just a changed and new user interface. It is not just like a change in layout or interfaces. It can result into an introduction of many new features and if your employees will not become familiar with this new implementation then it may not provide you with success. Salesforce Lightning has following organizational beneficial features:

  • User-friendly Coding
  • Responsive Nature
  • A Change Management Plan
  • Many Communities
  • Chatter

This way it offers great functionality and power to the users of Salesforce Classic.

Challenges Faced for LEX Transition

The two big challenges for LEX implementation are Learning and Change Management. As Classic and Lightning are fundamentally changed, but most users can also find a difference in UI of both the versions. Here the user may experience a big change in the layout of Lightning in comparison to the Classic.

Here due to this major change the user may feel de-skilled and may need to learn a lot so that they can work efficiently on this new platform. The employees who are the main users of this platform may need to be trained in a way as they were initially, when Salesforce was implemented. Since most Classic users may have the habit to use certain features and they may want to switch back to Classic so that they can use this quick platform easily and produce better ROI.

Related Post:  How To Build Lightning Apps That Your Users Will Love?

Seven Essential Considerable Points for LEX Implementation

1). Which of your organizational departments will be affectedby this transition. Will you need to provide them any training so that they can embrace and adopt this new platform effectively?

For this,you need to identify what will be theimpact of this transition on your workforce? This is important as if your workers will not adopt Lightning then this implementation may not be successful so you need to be all prepared before this transition. During or post-transition try to provide training, awareness or education to your employees so that it can become an engaging implementation for them.

2). Identify the LEX implementation effect on your workers

Know the percentage of your employees, affected by LEX implementation. Know the level and the acceptability percentage of this new platform. Before implementing and applying the new changes know the current process level of the organization, system expertise and the geographical condition of the organization to make your implementation effective and successful.

3). Identify the effect of LEX implementation on your workers

Be aware of what level of implementation is required and will your employees acclimate to a new environment or you are going to introduce a new environment to them? As per their level of interest and proficiency train them accordingly and make the implementation successful.

Must Considerable Questions Before Salesforce Lightning Transition

For this, there is ready to use Salesforce Run Readiness Check with the help of which you can assess the implementation and customization level required by your organization. This check can be used to assess the objects, user profiles, components and more. This way you can determine the LEX effect on your organization and employees. The readiness report as shown in the above diagram helps you to be alert about the areas for which you need attention to switch from classic to lightning,

4). Plan the way in which you will prepare your users for this change

You must create a timely and focused communication schedule which could take your user journey from awareness, to excitement, to lightning adoption. You should also create awareness among your users about this implementation and how it will impact you and benefit the organization. Moreover, let them know that how will you train and support them. Throughout LEX implementation keep them informing and updating about implementation and updates of the implementation.

Related Post:  How Salesforce Lightning Connect Provides Real Time Access To External Data?

5). Which type of training will be required for your employees?

Based on the unique aspects of your LEX implementation you should determine the training method and level required for LEX. In this online world, there are a number of training options available to train the workers or employees like self-paced eLearning, instructor-led training and cheat sheets. Once you will determine the level and method of training you can put together a training plan. Your training plan should cover the launch, entire transition, long-term support and delivery of the implementation.

6). Know the interest of market leaders

A Lightning transition can be made successful if it has been supported by a number of technical leaders and businesses. So prior to LEX implementation you must identify your sponsors who can provide your implementation a direction and encourage throughout your implementation process.

7). How will you measure the success of LEX transition?

Just because you have implemented Lightning does not guarantee the success of LEX. The best way to measure the success of Lightning implementation is to ensure that your workers are using Lightning perfectly and your return is increasing gradually. Encourage them to use Lightning on a daily basis and try to enhance their engagement. When your business transitioned to Lightning completely still after that you must check its effective usage, adoption and user-perception metrics.

Post-implementation your employees may still find some hassles so you must keep on tracking this implementation and then you can also create your change ennoblement roadmap strategy.

Final Words

Organizations which are using Classic may feel still very difficult or a risk to implement Lightning and may not want to upgrade their system due to a major change. But still, as Salesforce has launched Lightning with a number of advanced features so implementing it as a new platform can be made easier and smoother by keeping a few points in mind.

The above-listed points are must and can provide you a successful implementation. Keeping these facts in mind before implementing Lightning can provide a better environment, even post implementation of LEX.

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