Pre-Sales Call Checklist: Sales Call Best Practices & Plan with Example


The way you prepare a sales plan could have a direct impact on the outcome of the call. As you know that the cold-calling is an easy option in this busy environment. Investing good time in researching your prospect and getting necessary details about the Company can improve chances of success from 5 percent to the 30 percent.

However, it takes a lot of time in writing the detailed information about the potential leads or taking the conversation ahead. Still, a few minutes of strategic research and planning are always helpful in leveraging your needs.

The objective of this blog post is to focus on pre-sales checklist creation where you can decide on the all necessary information and decide your path to achieve the sales goals. Here is a checklist to prepare your next sales call in a duration of just 15 minutes only. Let us see quickly how it works actually?

  • Review the CRM platform first – 3 Minutes
    • Check how the customer is related to your Company
    • Check about the previous interactions and customer interactions in detail.
  • Get the necessary contact and Company details – 7 Minutes
    • Research the social media then check out the Company details.
    • If there are still more questions then try the Google search Tab.
  • Make Plan for the next sales call – 4 Minutes
    • Set your goals and objectives.
    • How will you play with your strengths or weaknesses?
    • Prepare the value propositions.
  • Set Back and Relax – 1 Minute
    • Before you start the call, lower down your adrenaline.
    • Take a breath and relax for a few seconds.
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So, this is a quick 15 minutes checklist for your next pre-sales call to achieve the goals and generating more leads for your business like never before. Let us discuss on each of then one by one in rest of the blog.

Review the CRM platform first – 3 Minutes

Pre-Sales Call ChecklistIf some prospect shares his number with you, it’s a good chance for you. Thanks to the information and a lot of content available online then customers educate themselves in advance before they tune themselves with some Company.

So, when customers data is organized in a proper format then this easy to communicate with them on the right track and converting the same customer into the lead. Your CRM will tell where you left the last and how should you pick up again with the same customer.

Get the necessary contact and Company details – 7 Minutes

Pre-Sales Call ChecklistHere, you should about the Company size, location, or history etc. Also, check for the financial health of the Company, its strengths, weaknesses, or values etc. With a little research, you would get to know how it fits your field? Here, social media is a wonderful asset that helps you in getting the necessary details about the customer and the Company.

With continuous post contents, this is easy to check the interest of customers and his past history. Once you wrapped with social media research, now look for the Company website especially, home page, about us and service page. Still have more time then explore the news or blog section ahead.

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Make Plan for the next sales call – 4 Minutes

Pre-Sales Call ChecklistYou have already spent 10 minutes in a pre-sales call checklist. Next four minutes are dedicated to planning for the next sales call. Here, you need to set the goals for the call first. It will help you in addressing the specific obstacle on the way nicely. So, highlight the goals and make sure that they are on the top of your mind.

Most of the sales persons are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their Company products and services. So, this is up to you how can you present them in front of prospects gracefully.

Now start the relationship and start to personalize interactions with prospects. Focus on important things only that matters for the customers most and it should be helpful for your business too.

Set Back and Relax – 1 Minute

Pre-Sales Call ChecklistNow you have spent enough time in analyzing your prospects, their Company, interest, business goals etc. This is the right time to set back and relax before you execute the sales plan in real.

Go over the notes, take a deep breath and start your work.

These facts will surely help any sales reps to turn a call into a friendly conversation. Congratulation, you are done with the homework successfully. Now go and get them, right away! This pre-sales call checklist is the best solution to boost your sales quickly in no time.

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