A Guide to the Process of Salesforce Customization by a Consultant


Whenever you go to a store to buy clothes for you and your family, do you purchase the same size for all? Even when you go on one of those family color coding or dress coding sprees, do you still get the same size for everyone involved? NO! Right? This is because there can never be one size that fits all. Every product is great, yet you have to customize it to your specific body shape.

Same goes with your Salesforce CRM. It is the most customizable CRM that you will ever find. With thousands of Salesforce integrations along with several customizations possible, it is made to suit your every last specific requirement. Why not avail all those services?  If you want to truly see the real effects of Salesforce, then let your Salesforce consultant customize your Salesforce instance for you.

Well, the million-dollar question here is that how will a Salesforce Consultant Customize Your CRM? We have an answer to that. To describe this intricate process, we have divided this blog into the following sections-

Topics to be Covered

  • What is Salesforce Customization?
  • When Should you Customize your Salesforce Silo?
  • What are Some Essential Customizations that you Need to Get an Up and Running Salesforce Instance?
  • What is the Typical Approach Followed by a Salesforce Consultant to Customize Your CRM?

What is Salesforce Customization? 

Salesforce Customization is the process of composing custom code to change the usefulness of your Salesforce silo. This kind of process has a tendency to be required just for organizations with many sales reps or especially complex sales channels. Doing such customization may cost you a good amount of money yet it is required for an increased functionality. Also, there is one thing in particular that we want to highlight that it is a fallacy that underused Salesforce licenses will probably be used after customization.

In the event that you were one of those people who were figuring out how to juggle, you would begin with one ball, not ten balls at once. Similarly, CRM customizations have a tendency to be intricate, and, beginning on them before your association has started to profoundly embrace CRM into its ordinary practices is probably going to make more losses than the profits.

Organizations should begin by designing to keep things as simple as they can in the beginning. This simplification will improve the probability of a fruitful reception. It is upon this achievement that perplexing customizations may later yield genuine advantages to your organization.

When should you customize your Salesforce Silo? 

When you separate your business procedure into the parts that can be dealt with by means of design as well as the bits that must be taken care of by customizations is the first step when you begin to require customizations. Try not to endeavor to modify something except when you really need it. It is a very common mistake that the organizations commit because some developers suggest code in place of configurations. Do not make that mistake. When deciding on your customizations you must go back to the part where you need to make the inquiry that whether this customization is something that you really have to have or it is just something that you would want to have? Once you’ve made sense of which parts should be modified you would now be able to start to assess the significance of each component. Start investigating what might go into executing the must-have’s first. Will it require a Visualforce page to make the UI that is required? Will it require an Apex Trigger to achieve some backend usefulness? Will it require planned Apex code to process like clockwork? There are several motivations to modify the stage, yet I’ll drill down a couple of basic ones we see to catch the wind of Salesforce’s Customizations:

  • The business process can’t work proficiently through simple work processes or the validation rules
  • You require a definite 3rd party integration
  • You can’t utilize the standard reports to see the vital data
  • Users still aren’t utilizing the platform even after it has been configured
  • People are utilizing things like Word or Excel to oversee information outside of Salesforce in light of the fact that it is excessively tedious, making it impossible to do it in Salesforce
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Infographic Salesforce Customization a few things that you need to know

Infographic Salesforce Customization a few things that you need to know

What are Some Essential Customizations that you Need to Get an Up and Running Salesforce Instance?

Customizations coupled with robotizations, reports, and custom-made capability forms are only a couple of ways for which you can engage an expert Salesforce Consultant to tune up your standard Salesforce usage immediately. The more you can control how your integrations convey experiences, shares information, and robotizes key procedures, the more and more advantages you’ll get.

Some specific customizations that the organizations surely need are-

1). Automating certain business processes

Efficient mechanizations are a standout amongst the best approaches to make a Salesforce integration work harder for you. Utilizing the Process Builder, designers can make mechanizations that are activated by specific activities. For instance, when a record address is refreshed, that location can be refreshed all over the record’s contacts.

2). Custom fields for different dashboard snapshots

Do you want to see 30-day revenue targets separated by week rather than a month? A designer can make custom fields inside an intelligent dashboard to demonstrate that information in a way that is pertinent to your teams.

3). Dashboard layouts per role in an organization

It is almost certain that your CEO likely needs a different preview in comparison to your division managers. A Salesforce Consultant can make tailored dashboards which are suitable to every individual that control who sees what with object consents.

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4). Tailored reports

Reports should answer your business’ key inquiries—and the inquiries of the general people understanding them. A CEO may need an answer to help with the yearly arrangement, while a record executive may need an answer to help plan the day’s calls. A specialist can tweak reports to incorporate the information applicable to every individual’s job.

What is the Typical Approach Followed by a Salesforce Consultant to Customize Your CRM? 

A Salesforce Consultant begins by meeting with your task group to decide your organization’s particular objectives and necessities. This gathering and resulting coordinated efforts educates the product usage process, while additionally guaranteeing that any required custom applications are actually needed by your organization. Amid the data gathering process, a Salesforce developer can likewise enable your group to recognize forms that can be streamlined and modernized to facilitate the change to a more up-to-date workplace. By setting the attention on the requirements of your business, a consultant is better ready to enable your group to comprehend the different programming arrangements accessible and help achieve a reasonable accord with respect to the alternatives that will be best for your organization.

Every framework customization is unique, yet a Salesforce consultant has the experience and specialized know-how to manage your group through any circumstance. Regardless of whether you have to relocate tremendous lumps of information from your old application or coordinate your CRM framework with an ERP programming suite, a guaranteed Salesforce Developer will guarantee that the correct advances are assumed to counteract information loss or several different issues that can cause problems.

All through this change, a Salesforce expert will set up clear points of reference that empower you to track the advancement of your product execution. These benchmarks help direct the work so the execution is finished on time and remains within your anticipated or allocated financial plan. An effective CRM execution will enable your organization to maintain a strategic distance from the potential misfortunes in profitability and income, that could occur when there are challenges with the software transition.


If your business needs something customized, give that to it. You never know how it may change your revenue system. The idea is when some facility is available to you then why not use it to the maximum possible extent? Use the flexibility of Salesforce Instance to create a very good CRM system that yields more than expected results for you. Hire a good Salesforce Consultant for your organization who can customize an ironclad Salesforce system for you.

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