Top 23 Salesforce Lighting Migration Tools to Grow Business


Most of the people who were on Salesforce Classic have taken a fondness for Salesforce Lightning. With the increasing migration from Classic to Lightning, developers had to come up with tools to aid and assist them for a smooth switch.

23 Tools that can Facilitate Salesforce Migration

There are some really good tools that can help you in the migration process and today, that is exactly what we are going to discuss.

1). Lightning Readiness Report

You have to go to an “Are you prepared for Lightning?” mission by running the Lightning Experience Readiness Check. When you do that, you’ll get a customized Readiness Report that demonstrates what to address in Salesforce, in addition to a free conference with a Lightning Experience master for guidance on the next steps.

2). Visualforce Check

While moving from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Experience, your Visualforce pages require a considerable amount of consideration. The reason is that on the off chance that you’ve utilized JavaScript in your Visualforce pages, it probably won’t reflect in Lightning Experience.

3). Salesforce Optimizer

While you are assessing your Salesforce cases, you can utilize Salesforce Optimizer to decide how your association utilizes certain Salesforce components and get experiences on how you can enhance them.

4). Configuration Converter

You can utilize the Configuration Converter to change over these catches and connections to Lightning-Friendly choices since the JavaScript content source isn’t bolstered in Lightning Experience.

5). Magic Mover for Notes And Attachments to Lightning Experience

With Magic Mover for Notes And Attachments to Lightning Experience, you can change over connections and Classic notes to files since documents are streamlined for Lightning Experience and give extra capacities past connection.

6). Salesforce Agile Accelerator

With Salesforce Agile Accelerator. groups can undoubtedly follow business prerequisites, measure advances, and effectively convey discharges.

7). Sumo Scheduler

his Lightning Migration Tool does all the arrangement planning work for you. While planning with different partners, it is up and coming that you keep any booking friction under control.

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8). OneMob 

OneMob encourages you to make the video and content-based text, oversee, send, and track in real-time what content is being viewed, by who, and for to what extent. This is particularly helpful in the event that you are making quick Lightning Experience demos.

9). Whatfix

A promptly and constantly accessible execution bolster device like Whatfix can lead your groups through the Lightning Experience from inside the live application.

10). Ambition 

is basically a business adequacy apparatus which can be utilized to drive Lightning Adoption in your association. Desire’s free Salesforce mix application helps in improving information perceivability, deals adequacy in the new condition of Salesforce Lightning

11). Lightning Usage 

Lightning Usage application gives you bits of knowledge like every day dynamic clients, the number of clients changing to Salesforce Classic every day, and the most visited pages in Lightning Experience. With these experiences, you can comprehend where your clients are vacillating and train them in like manner.

12). Trail Tracker

You can without much of a stretch, make available, train, and evaluate the Salesforce learning of your workers with Trail Tracker. It is a free application to direct clients through their Salesforce learning background on Trailhead.

13). Survey Force 

Survey Force enables you to make 3 sorts of inquiries (single select, multi-select, and free shape content) and request your inquiries by means of a simplified drag and drop. Studies are sent by means of email formats and Sites.

14). Get Feedback

Utilizing GetFeedback, you can quantify and enhance your client involvement with versatile amicable reviews. You can trigger studies dependent on action in Salesforce Lightning and drive reactions into Salesforce for simple reporting

15). Lightning Carousel and Banner

With regards to drawing in with your clients and featuring imperative data, Lightning Carousel and Banner segments will prove to be useful. Designers can likewise stretch out this bundle to highlight custom content.

16). Lightning Sharing

Salesforce Classic has a “Share” tab which gives you a chance to impart records to clients over your group and oversee permissions. With Lightning Sharing, you can empower this record sharing element in Lightning Experience.

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17). AnyCalendar

AnyCalendar is a Lightning part utilizing which you can drop a modified logbook utilizing any question into Lightning Experience. You can choose a standard or custom protest and modify the schedule show alternatives.

18). Jitterbit 

Jitterbit information loader is a free information relocation apparatus that empowers Salesforce clients to computerize import and export of information in Salesforce. Jitterbit Data Loader for Salesforce bolsters Create, Insert, Upsert, Delete, Hard Delete, Query, and Bulk Loads.

19). Cloudlingo 

Cloudlingo encourages you to automate cleaning your Salesforce database and mass imports by evacuating copy records. One look of the dashboard itself gives all of you the data of the condition of your information.


This is a data loader application by Mulesoft for Salesforce to rapidly import, send out, and erase boundless information. You simply utilize your Salesforce login subtleties to get to wiping out the issue of downloading an application.

21). Skuid

Skuid offers migration benefits that create custom movement procedures to help your Salesforce organization move to Lightning consistently. The essence of how it functions is in the event that you are utilizing Salesforce Classic, you’ll reproduce those applications in Skuid and afterward move those Skuid applications to Lightning.

22). Flash by PopcornApps

Flash by PopcornApps encourages you to move from Salesforce Classic to Lightning in four stages. To start with, it investigations your Lightning Readiness Report, Second it finds the vault of custom JS, CSS, Visual Force pages, VF labels, and Controller classes, Third it causes you to overhaul by moving it into Lightning segments and pages, lastly help you in conveying Lightning Experience to your organization.

23). Gridbuddy 

Gridbuddy is another arrangement that encourages you to see each part of the Readiness Report all around ok to decide each ramification the relocation may have on your Salesforce organization.

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