SalesforceIQ For Small Business: A Perfect CRM Solution For Budgeted Companies


When it comes to providing customer support for small businesses, Salesforce is by far the best CRM system out there. It is because Salesforce understands every trivial requirement of small business and make exceptional strategies with their compelling and innovative features. One such feature, or product launched by Salesforce is SalesforceIQ for small business which is considered as a complete CRM solution for small scale firms that doesn’t require time and effort to set up. It is a highly effective software that automatically tracks and analyzes everyday transactions and deepen the relationship between customer and company.


There are several unique features SalesforceIQ offers, which are completely different than any other product designed by Salesforce. Let’s take a look at some of those features in brief:

  • It will help your company to increase sales by working diligently with other email partners such as Gmail and collecting useful information to the salesperson.
  • It distinct from Sales Cloud which is also a CRM solution product that can integrate with over thousands of applications easily. The only difference is SalesforceIQ is not customizable as Sales Cloud.
  • SalesforceIQ is quite dependable if you only wish to use Gmail or Exchange for interacting with your customer and tracking your money. It will allow you to learn where exactly your money is going.
  • Salesforce for small business is a rather cost efficient CRM solution as it hardly costs $25 per month per user for starters with limited features whereas charge $65-$125 per month per user for full access to features for established businesses.
  • Now focus only where it matters the most and increase your business sales by managing your business from anywhere through mobile applications and make a strong bond with your customers.
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