Top 5 Reasons Why Company is moving to Big Data?


“Big data analytics” the process that has transformed the way business enterprises had been running their process workflows. You would be amazed to know that the history of Big Data Analysis dates back to the year 1663 when John Graunt dealt with “overwhelming amounts of information” when he was trying to study about the bubonic plague that had broken out at that point and was ravaging entire Europe. Graunt had used the way of statistics and analysis and is credited to be the first person ever to use statistical data analysis.

In 1965, the U.S. government assembled the first data center, with the intention to store humongous amount of fingerprints and tax returns. Each record was transferred to the magnetic tapes and was to be taken and put away in a centrally located area. At that point of time conspiracy theorists had expressed concerns over the misuse of this data and hence the project was shut down. Still, this was the first ever attempt in the world history for large-scale data storage.

Data Analysts believe that your data speaks a lot to you. All that you have to do is to listen to it.

Today, we would tell you about Big Data as it stands today and five reasons why all the companies are moving towards Big Data. This blog covers the following topics-

What is Big Data?

Big Data is the term that depicts the huge volume of information – both organized and unorganized – that immerses a business on an everyday premise. Be that as it may, it’s not the measure of information that is vital. It’s what associations do with the information that matters. Huge information can be easily broken down for insights that prompt better choices and vital business moves.

In the early 2000s Doug Laney had articulated a very famous definition of big data as the three Vs:

Volume. Associations gather information from an assortment of sources, including business exchanges, web-based social networking, and data from sensors or machine-to-machine interactions. In the earlier days, getting the huge amount of data stored would’ve been an issue – however new advances, (for example, Hadoop) have provided good solutions to this issue

Velocity. Information streams in at an uncommon speed and should be managed in a processed and timely way. RFID labels, sensors, and smart metering are driving the need to manage downpours of information in near-real time.

Variety. Information comes in a wide range of formats – from organized, numeric information in conventional databases to unstructured content archives, emails, videos, sound files, stock ticker information, and monetary exchanges.

Why are Companies Moving to Big Data?

There are a plenty of reasons that all the companies today, big or small are shifting to data analysis because of one simple reason to gain business intelligence from their data and make better choices that would boost up their business bottom line. However, the five major reasons have been discussed here below-

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1). Find New Business Opportunities

By taking a gander at all of the operational information your organization has gathered throughout the years and examining it viable, you can make your activities substantially more streamlined. Big Data can assist you in predicting what number of clients you’re probably going to have during the particular time of the year and help you to staff your retail outlets in like manner. It can also advise you on costs during your sales and even help you in settling on better business decisions on all fronts. 

2). To Connect with Customers Using Their Own Data

Today the mindfulness on medical problems is at its pinnacle. Settling on a better way of lifestyle to support wellbeing isn’t the right of just the affluent people of the society. This thusly has made a gigantic market for wellness gear and numerous wellbeing items. Gadgets that acclimatize individual information like Nike+ Fuel, FitBit and Jawbones UP are convenient and supportive in monitoring fundamental health parameters. These items give you more information about yourself than you know. For instance, there is an app MyFitnessPal, which won’t just give you the information about the calories that you take in but in addition to that, it also gives you the breakdown of proteins, fat, and carbs. Thus, it is clear that the Companies in Healthcare and Fitness are straightforwardly contacting clients with seriously helpful gadgets which give them individual information. In order to take care of this category of customers and to keep them interested in your company, you need to gather and analyze millions of data sets using the Big Data Technology. 

3). To Facilitate Better Customer Service Interactions

The well-established maxim that says – to take into account a client issue, the reaction time ought not to surpass six seconds, may sound irrational for a few. But it is the harsh reality that the quicker a customer’s problem is understood; higher would be the respect of the company in the customer’s eyes. For this to occur, a Customer Service Operator needs all the buyer related information in front while associating. What’s more, this thusly requires instruments adequate enough to extricate client data at a click of the mouse. With a huge number of buyers for items and brands which are multinational, the client database keeps running into inconceivable sizes as the time goes and all the time they indicate a similar need – process Big Data!

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4). Data Analytics Tools Empower Small Businesses

The more information that a private company has, the more insights it gets from it. Small organizations might not have as much information as large ones or as many assets, yet they could at present exploit big data techniques. No SML has the same number of information as the large-scale associations. In any case, they could discover different methods for exploiting the world and techniques of big data to their own advantage

One good way could be weaved put if enough small and medium organizations pool their information, they could make a greater set of information. Furthermore, the greater the arrangement of information, the more knowledge and details you could receive in return. A considerable measure of third-party merchants gives this kind of support to several small or medium level enterprises at present. The big data tools have never been more exceptional than they are today. The measures of data that one can assemble about clients and the methods for breaking down that data to drive development and development to an organization is surprisingly beneficial.

5). Create Better Marketing Campaigns

You can utilize big data methods to settle on better advertising choices for your organization. For instance, in the event that you monitor the performance data, at that point, this data can enable you to direct your organization’s content methodology. Additionally, you can utilize big data to anticipate what group of individuals will react to the diverse advertising procedures you have put out for your business. Big data makes it workable for you to know precisely who’s purchasing from your business – their ages, ethnicities, levels of pay, areas, and so on. You can likewise comprehend what impacts their purchasing choices. Having the majority of this data and having the capacity to investigate it legitimately enables you to send your intended interest group the correct message that will motivate them to purchase from you. Not exclusively is big data indispensable to your advertising effort – it’s additionally transforming the fields of marketing as a whole.


Like we said earlier in the blog that your data speaks a lot to you, you just have to listen to what it says. Big data process allows you just that. You can trace your flaws, your strengths everything of you know how to process your data well. You have already seen the reasons why companies are shifting to big data; all that you have to do now is to make the right choice for your enterprise.

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