Top 6 Configure Salesforce For Great Usability And Adoption


What do you expect when you buy a product to improve or resolve a certain process in your enterprise? Obviously, visible results, right? How would you feel when your product does not yield results that were shown in the ads? Disappointed? Do you know that buying a product and configuring it is not the only thing involved in the channel where you are expecting results? You need to deploy practices that will help you in maximizing the profitability.

For the best results, you need to devise and execute practices that will increase the usability of the product as well the adoption among your workforce. This is exactly what happens with Salesforce.

Infographic Popular Salesforce Configuration for Better Usability & Adoption

Infographic Popular Salesforce Configuration for Better Usability & Adoption

Configure Salesforce For Great Usability And Adoption

Here are some of the ways to optimize usability and adoption in Salesforce

1). Integrate Google with Screens

Individuals love Google since it can help them to discover whatever they want. Salesforce and ERP integration also help you in syncing Salesforce with Google. This way the client can concentrate on the thing they wanted to achieve i-e to scan for something.

We like to approach our Salesforce page formats in the equivalent oversimplified way. For this, you must be careful while executing your Salesforce Implementation strategy.

On the off chance that there are fields that have not been utilized in months, move them off from the page. Optimize Salesforce for managing users. Gather comparable things together, for example, Close Date, Opportunity Stage, and Probability. Make things as straight forward as feasible for your end client to give the association the information it needs.

2). Begin with the End in Mind

Your Salesforce instance is as just on a par with the information it offers you to help great business decision-making at your association. So as to lessen the order of ungainly arrangements and work arounds that could adversely influence client appropriation, implement Salesforce by keeping the end in mind.

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What reports and dashboards will you require? In what manner will the official group utilize this information? In light of the responses to these inquiries, work in reverse to arrange the most ideal client experience to catch this information. On the off chance that a design or arrangement course wouldn’t support the business objective and give an obstruction to client reception, at that point you ought to emphatically re-examine it.

3). Start with Good Data and Encourage Good Data Hygiene

In the event that your clients are doubtful about the information they are seeing in Salesforce, they will be less eager to utilize the instrument. On the off chance that data, for example, Account Ownership in your Salesforce case does not line up with the real world, clients will start to doubt each bit of information in the framework.

Invest the energy to get your data right and it will give your clients the certainty that your association is focused on the application. Likewise, discover approaches to keep your data clean. Use Salesforce web-to-lead to capture clean lead data. Use information cleaning applications from the AppExchange, auto-populate fields for clients when conceivable, and leverage apparatuses like Salesforce’s to keep contact records under scrutiny.

4). Be Open to Process Change

Salesforce has been at the Salesforce Automation console for more than 15 years now. They have taken in a couple of things about what makes a decent sales process. All things considered, the excellence of Salesforce is that it is adaptable to your business’ particular procedures. Customize your Salesforce silo for maximum lead generation.

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Clients usually steer away from making drastic changes to the core Salesforce functionality to meet their specific business process and requirements. If your process is that different, it might be a healthy exercise to look introspectively at how you are doing things and how you might be able to work to refine your process to better align with native Salesforce functionality.

5). Stick with Standard Functionality

Keeping the Process Change proposal above, Salesforce likewise manages the customers to stay with standard Salesforce usefulness at whatever point conceivable. Salesforce has invested a lot of efforts and investment on client encounter structure and seeing accepted procedures when planning and building their item. All things considered, you ought to emphatically think about why your association needs to ‘reproduce the wheel’ to address your issues. Look for the best Salesforce business process management strategies to optimize the standard functionality.

6). Migrate to Salesforce Lightning

Salesforce lightning components can give you an unimaginable speed. And trust me when I say this, speed is the biggest asset in the IT world today. You save time when things are processing at a lightning speed. Salesforce lightning gives you various options of automation and that is something that you should shift to in today’s digital age.


Salesforce as a product is marvelous. The only catch here is that you need to adopt practices that will accelerate the usability and that in turn will increase the wide adoption of Salesforce.

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