What is the Process of Salesforce Implementation


Each Salesforce implementation is one of a kind, that is guaranteed. If it worked the same for each business, there would be no requirement for an implementation partner.

That being said, there is a universal variable that applies to all organizations hoping to commence Salesforce for the very first time: everybody needs an ideal initiation for their business on the platform. So, keeping in mind that you are committed to the Salesforce and the business case is signed off some of the questions you would require answers to are:

How a Salesforce implementation project work?

It is known that despite the final system may differ for your particular business, the process that your business needs to go through in order to get to the final system is well-defined. And the process is as follows:

  • Get hold of the Salesforce implementation partner. The best place to locate a consulting partner is by looking at the AppExchange, the Salesforce services and products marketplace to get a clear idea about the budget required for the project.
  • After getting on with the meeting the implementation partner may send you a list of questions to get a big picture of your goals, visions, key players, weakness and strengths, known as the pre-engagement questionnaire.
  • The appointment of the key player ought to be someone who works for you, and not for the implementation partner. This important person on the project is the Project Champion.
  • After the questionnaire is answered, the partner is required to send over a contract and set a date for implementation by mutual arrangement.
  • After this point, the implementation partner and your team would begin working together to carve out a project brief and plan. Which would include basic guidelines, all the criteria for success as against all the measurable targets such as risks, cost, time etc.
  • Once the project champion appointed by you is convinced that all the planned deliverables are in order, the time is set for the training to commence. User adoption is the most important step in the whole process and so is the training.
  • Post the delivery of the project plan and the training, it is not the end if the users have started working on the new platform. The system would require an ongoing support on some level.
  • Even after the Salesforce implementation has been done, it is not an end to it. It may be perhaps an initial rung in the ladder with many more upgradations to come, so the business ought to be prepared for that.
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Salesforce Implementation- Best practices

Infographic Salesforce Implementation- Best practices

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